
Monday 1 June 2015

Pay Back Time: Christian Reportedly Beheads ISIS Jihadist

A Syrian Christian fighter has beheaded
an Islamic State group (IS) militant to
avenge people “executed” by the jihadists
in northeastern Syria, a monitor said on
The Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights said the incident took place on
Thursday in Hasakeh province, where IS
holds large areas of the countryside.
According to the monitor, the Christian
fighter, a member of the minority
Assyrian community, found the jihadist
in the local village of Tal Shamiram.
“He took him prisoner and when he
found out he was a member of IS, the
Assyrian fighter beheaded him in
revenge for abuses committed by the
group in the region,” Observatory chief
Rami Abdel Rahman said.
The Observatory is based in Britain but
has covered the Syrian conflict since it
broke out four years ago thanks to a
network of sources inside the country.
The Christian was fighting in the ranks
of Kurdish forces who earlier this month
drove IS out of more than a dozen
Assyrian villages the jihadists had
captured in Hasakeh.

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