
Thursday 7 May 2015

Merck Launches E-Health Solution In Kenya

Merck is partnering with the Kenyan Ministry of Health to roll out this e-diagnostic and consultation clinics.
In a bid to provide affordable and quality healthcare for poor kenyans, Merck has invested $107,000 for the development and launching of an affordable health platform.
The E-Health platform will give patients in local areas the opportunity to reach health care professionals and specialists at Kenyatta Hospital via IP and video conferencing.
Chairman of Family Board and Executive Board of E-Merck KG, Frank Stangenberg- Haverkamp said “Merck E-Health initiative demonstrates our commitment to building healthcare capacity and improving access to innovative and equitable healthcare solutions and disease awareness for patients in rural areas across Kenya.”
Also in a related development, Dr. James Macharia, the Cabinet Secretary for Health, said: ‘we are happy to partner with Merck to support Kenya national telemedicine program which will enable patient consultations with specialists in referral hospitals to help earlier diagnosis, quicker and better care”.  “Video conferencing technology takes into consideration the reality of Africa in which majority of poor population live in rural set-up with inadequate health facilities and less developed road infrastructure which are barriers to better healthcare.’
Merck is partnering with the Kenyan Ministry of Health to roll out this e-diagnostic and consultation clinics at the Kenyatta National Hospital and Machakos Level 5 Hospital.

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