
Thursday 2 July 2015

History of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (Coza)

The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly is an international church envisioned by God to reach out to the unreached in our generation.  In COZA, burdens are lifted, yokes are destroyed, destinies are re-charted, marriages are mended and lives are transformed.

The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly is a place of purpose, vision, discovery, developing and deploying of God’s intent for your life.  We have a mandate to raise men and women who would take over in every sector and sphere of life.

In COZA, we believe in teaching the uncompromising word of God. Our core values and beliefs are found in the infallible word of God. We believe that the word of God is the final authority in every situation. We also believe in the trinity, the baptism of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues, water baptism by immersion and the power and efficacy of prayer.

We believe that in our generation, Men can serve God, do things right, be uncompromising and still be successful! No wonder, in Matthew 5:14, Jesus told us in categorical terms that we are the light of the world. Light symbolizes illumination, knowledge and leadership. In other words, we are to show the world, how things are to be done!

In COZA, friends meet friends and all meet Jesus, vision sharpens vision, concepts and new ideas are encouraged and developed, and we believe that everything truly inspired of God is possible!

We are glad you are here! It is our greatest desire for you that you would discover a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus and develop a sustaining faith in His word. We sincerely hope that your experience with us will inspire you into a deeper sense of purpose and walk with God.

COZA started on February 14th 1999 by the set man of the house Reverend Biodun Fatoyinbo who received the vision from God. COZA started from the streets of Ilorin and gradually got established there. The set man of the house was then directed by God to establish COZA in Abuja which he respectfully did in the year 2008. He was also led to start the Lagos Church which commenced on the 8th of January, 2012.

COZA today has established presence in Ilorin, Abuja and Lagos.

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